Friday, June 3, 2011

How often do I need to change my windshield wipers?

My windshield wipers have started to work less and less. It%26#039;s only now bothering, but I%26#039;d like to improve their function. Should I clean them or should I replace them (they are 2 and a half years old).

Thank you!|||Standard estimate with %26quot;normal%26quot; usage is that you should change them every six months. At 2 1/2 years, I would say it%26#039;s time to change them. Make sure you consult your owner%26#039;s manual or go to an auto parts store and ask to make sure you get the correct size for both wipers.|||If you go to a place like AutoZone, they will sell you the correct wipers and help you learn to put them on.|||Replace them. Don%26#039;t be that cheap. They don%26#039;t cost a fortune. Instead of saving a few bucks, spend them so you can be safer.|||Replace them before they damage your windshield, windshield wipers should be replaced as needed.|||The time to replace them is when they leave a streak. The rubber has become unpliable and they do not make a good contact with the glass.

If it is slow, the reason is something else. Replacing them with a new one does not make them run faster.

The reason for low speed - it is of wrong size for your car. Wrong size (usually large size) puts additional load on the wiper motor and you could burn the motor to replace them sooner than needed.|||replace them. I would say once a year.

if you are concious of the cost you can buy a roll of just the blade rubber and fit it in the wiper yourself.|||replace every 3-6 mos. or use rain-x once a month.|||wow 2 and 1/2 years old. You got about 2 years more out of them than you should have. If you want your blades to work the best you should change them every 6 months. I do it at Daylight savings spring and fall. The only blade I have found that will last an entire year is teh Bosch Icon. It is a brackless blade that forms the window they are pretty expensive but are worth the money to me. They are about $25 a piece. So thats $50 for a set. Probaby more than you would ever think about spending on wiper blades but try them once and you will see why they are so expensive.鈥?/a>