Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I had my car inspected this morning. Could somebody tell me roughly what they think the following repairs would amount to. I know the amount he is charging me but I know nothing about cars and I'm curious as to the general consensus of what other think it would cost in total for the following on a 1995 Honda Accord:

2 Front Tires

Rear Brakes

Rear Brake Drum

Ball Bearing

Oil Change

Windshield Wipers

+ $60 for emissions/inspection costs

Thanks for your help and input!
it depends if you take it too the dealer it will cost you and arm and a leg. if you take it to a mom and pop shop you might be charged around $25.00 - $50.00. depending on how good they are of course. future reference you can usually get a free estimate on your car for repairs and such if get the worked done there. second oil changes at the gas stations that have garages usually only charge 15.00 dollars instead of 40.00 at your local jiffy lube.
a lot. those dam car engineers take a lot.

new tires like 200ea+(can get used )

oil change 50 bucks (not sure)

windshield wipers not much 10bucks(around there)

other stuff idk
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