I think my windshield need to be replaced, a small crack is spreading, I think its 20 in now, is it repairable or do I have to replace it? how much does it cost to replace it. If I do it through my insurance, will this change my premium?
Thank you (I'm broke, if any one know a cheap place in Austin,TX to replace it, I would really appreciate it)
How much does it cost to replace the windshield on a 2003 Chevy Tracker?
If you have comprehensive in your insurance they may be a deductible. Like I have. I don't know how much is the deductible but I would say around $50 -$100. An no your premiums will not go up. The insurance companies prorate the coverage. I hope help you out.
How much does it cost to replace the windshield on a 2003 Chevy Tracker?
too much.
your insurance will do it for free.I had mine done. they would rather pay $100.00 than $500.00..Your rates will not go up..they will send someone where the car is parked and do it there, even if you are not home or at work..Do It asap before i the crack gets bigger than they cant do it..good luck!
Your insurance should cover free of charge