Friday, September 23, 2011

I had a fight with my man today, what should I do? help me PLZ!?

We have a baby. 1 year ago somebody broke into his civic and they broke the back window. I was 5 months pregnant back then. He said he was gonna replace the window before our baby was born. He never did. NOw our baby is 7 months old and 1 weeks ago he finally got his toyota supra back from the shop and first thing he's going to do with it is change the windshield which is only cracked. He's not driving it at all. And now it's really cold and we have to cover the baby with a lot of blankets every time we go out. She got a cold 3 weeks ago. We had a big fight he made me cry and he doesn't understand. He left to work. I don't know what to do. He always wants to do whatever he likes. Idk if I should stay mad at him until he fixes the window or get up tonight to feed him ike nothing happen help me please!
I had a fight with my man today, what should I do? help me PLZ!?
his priorities aren't straight. and you are in a really tough situation, where you are seeing your baby get sick. make him dinner and ask him straight up, %26quot;the baby is really cold in the back seat, and she will get sick if the back window doesnt get replaced, can you get that window instead of the windshield? YOU NEED TO ASK HIM THIS directly no beating around the bush otherwise he can avoid answering the questions, give him a yes or no question. I will pray for you. if you dont feel safe with him go somewhere where you will be safe. Good luck.
I had a fight with my man today, what should I do? help me PLZ!?
you should take it to the shop to fix it, he probably doesnt have time. or maby he does and he puts it off because he is to busy focusing on you
leave it at what it is and take his supra, and then he will understand when he takes the civic. But honestly I think that you guys shouldn't have a baby if you can't take care of yourselves first.
sounds like you had a baby with some guy that didn't care about either one of you. i suggest you leave him. can you get a car of your own?
You need to be stubborn. He needs to know that your baby needs to come first, no matter what. And he can't just do whatever he wants if that will jeopardise the health and well being of that baby.
Beg his pardon or try some else
Baby's already had a cold and you have to wonder what to do? Come on.....

I feel for that kid.
You shouldn't pretend that nothing happened because something did happen that's why you are affected. But it's also not healthy for you to continue to be mad at him because it will only make matters worse. Try to tell him honestly about how you feel about the things that he did in a calm manner (not in an angry tone). Discuss your issues together. If this doesn't work, try to ask help from someone your man listens to. I hope you will be able to resolve your issue soon. Happy new year!
Out of sight - out of mind.

Use his supra and let him get sick.

Sounds like He's working and your not, I bet he's used the phrase that he pays the bills around here.

My man knows that if he's not going to do something, I'm going to deal with it myself and it usually isn't in his favor, especially when it comes to an innocent child. I suggest that if crying isn't working for you, don't use it. For some, it shows vulnerability. Grow some balls. The next time he says he is going to do something, keep reminding him. Write it on the calendar, and if he's bullS%$ing you, take it upon yourself. Thinks aren't going to change unless it has to
Grow up %26amp; move on. He obviously doesn't care.