Why is my car smoking after an oil change?
It probably is just oil that you might have spilled while putting it in you engine. You cant expect that to smell like strawberries. But the engine has to get hot enough to burn it off, so short drives might not make it smoke. If this continues much longer, get it checked out.
Why is my car smoking after an oil change?
If it's still going, you may have a leak. I would start by checking your oil level. Then go ahead and drive it, but when you are done pop the hood and look to see where the smoke is coming from. Look in the area that oil would fall to that spot and make sure everything is ok.
Oil filters sometimes just have a bad seal on them and you may need to replace that. Or you may have another, unrelated yet new leak. Or...you might have spilled some oil on the exhaust and it hasn't burned off yet. But always better to be safe and double check.
That is most likely just some oil that spilled during the oil change and is burning up on the engine. It will stop. Nothing to worry about.
bad oil seals !
I did this before too, only I was starting a long trip when it started to smoke. I called for help, and the guy said that I must have spilled some oil on the engine when I changed it, as nothing else seemed to be wrong with my car. I don't recall that it smelled like burning rubber, though.
One, rubber is made from petroleum sow oil burning will smell that way. You may have dripped a little on the manifold and it will burn off. But, open the hood and make sure the oil filler cap is tight and the dipstick is all the way in.
If it still happens, you may have a small leak starting in the valve cover gaskets.